The "Citizen Science Vest" platform ensures a safe and inclusive environment for all those who wish to participate in the digital journey toward knowledge. Whether they are researchers, students, or ordinary citizens eager for exploration and learning, everyone has the chance to actively contribute to change through the platform. The initiative that created the platform from the concept of Citizen Science involves the active participation of the public in scientific activities, allowing individuals without specialized scientific training to contribute to data collection, analysis, and observations that support research in a variety of fields. This concept facilitates collaboration between researchers and the community, democratizing access to science and encouraging a broader understanding and involvement in scientific matters, thereby contributing to the advancement of knowledge and addressing social or environmental issues.

By accessing and using the "Citizen Science Vest" platform, you express your unconditional agreement and acceptance of these Terms and Conditions of use.

Privacy and GDPR: 

The privacy policy complies with GDPR and ensures the protection of users' data. By using the platform, you agree to the provisions as well as to the processing of data carried out under the following regulations:

· Law no. 199/2023 on higher education;

· Law no. 319/2003 regarding the status of research and development personnel;

· Government Decision no. 1,188/2022 approving the National Plan for Research, Development, and Innovation 2022-2027;

· Government Decision no. 933/2022 approving the National Strategy for Research, Innovation, and Smart Specialization 2022-2027;

· Other normative acts that regulate the project's activity.

Personal Data: 

The data provided by users will be treated confidentially and under the legal provisions.

User Responsibilities: 

The user is responsible for the information provided and for the activities carried out on the platform. Users of the platform are not allowed to upload, post, or transmit content that:

· is illegal or encourages illegal activities;

· is obscene;

· is slanderous, defamatory, or deceptive;

· discriminates or is abusive towards any person or group;

· depicts or promotes violence, including violent images;

· includes or installs any type of active malware, exploits, or uses the platform for any form of exploitation, such as within a command and control system;

· violates the property rights of any party, including patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, publicity rights, or other rights;

· violates the Code of Ethics and Professional Deontology and the University Ethics Rules of the West University of Timișoara.

Any violation of user responsibilities will result in the suspension or removal of the account.

Intellectual Property Rights: 

The content available on the platform, including texts, images, and other materials, is protected by intellectual property rights. Unauthorized use of these materials is prohibited.

Modifications to the Terms and Conditions: 

The Citizen Science Vest platform reserves the right to modify the Terms and Conditions at any time. Users will be notified of such changes.

Termination of Use: 

Users may stop using the platform at any time. The platform reserves the right to suspend or terminate a user's access in case of violation of the Terms and Conditions.


For any questions or concerns regarding the Terms and Conditions, please contact us at the email address: